
4 Consequences Of Not Changing Your Cabin Air Filter


Your cabin air filter is responsible for stopping a variety of containments—such as mold, smog, pollen, and exhaust gas—from getting into your vehicle. It also keeps out larger debris from getting into your vehicle, such as rodent droppings and bugs. It is a simple piece of equipment that plays a very important job. It needs to be replaced on a regular basis. Not changing it out can have some serious consequences.

4 June 2019

Why Are Proper Oil Changes So Important?


Everyone knows that cars need regular oil changes to function properly, but why is this basic service so important? Although many people will claim to feel a difference after having their oil changed, often there seems to be no perceptible difference in performance before or after. If you got an oil change recently and noticed no difference in how your car's sound, performance, or gas mileage, then you may feel as though you are changing your oil too often or even that you are wasting money on this vital procedure.

2 May 2019

3 Important Things To Look For In An Auto Glass Repair Shop For Windshield Replacement


Having a damaged windshield is not ideal. It can prevent you from seeing clearly while driving, which is actually pretty dangerous. If your windshield is significantly damaged, consider taking your vehicle into an auto glass repair shop. There, your windshield can be replaced. Choosing one of these shops won't be difficult if you look for these things.  Licensed Specialists  When your vehicle's windshield is being replaced, you want assurance that everything will go smoothly.

14 March 2019

Spring Cleaning Auto Maintenance Checklist: 4 Tasks To Do To Your Car As The Weather Gets Warmer


During the winter months, there is certain maintenance that you have done to your car. As the winter ends and the weather gets warmer, it is time for auto maintenance again. Part of your spring cleaning should include a to-do-list of car maintenance that needs to be done. Here are some of the maintenance tasks that your car will need as the weather gets warmer outside: 1. Checking and Changing Fluids to Prepare for Warm Weather

23 February 2019

Avoiding And Being Prepared For Tire Failures


When a driver fails to properly regulate and manage the tires of their vehicle, they can be putting themselves at unnecessary risk. However, there are some simple steps that will reduce the chances of you being caught unprepared for tire failure. Avoid Checking The Tire Pressure After You Have Recently Driven Checking the air pressure in your tires is the most effective way of ensuring that they provide sufficient performance. However, individuals often make the mistake of checking their tires fairly soon after they have driven.

11 January 2019

Want To Get Your Commercial Driver's License? 2 Tips To Help You Pass Your CDL Test


A commercial driving license (CDL) is needed if you want to work in the trucking industry. Like a traditional driver's license, you will have to take a written exam in order to obtain your license. This exam is more difficult than a traditional license exam, however. To help you, below are two tips so you can pass your test and start working. Study CDL Manual for Your State First, obtain the CDL manual for your state to help you get ready for the test.

21 November 2018

Two Hints Your Brakes Need to Be Serviced


There is nothing more thrilling than the feeling of freedom when you finally buy your first car. However, owning a car comes with the responsibility of keeping it maintained and safe to drive. The brakes of your car are a vital component of your car's safety because bad brakes cannot stop your vehicle when you're driving into danger. As a first-time car owner, here are two signs that you need to take your car to a service center to have the brakes checked.

8 October 2018

Planning To Move Across Country? Vehicle Repair Steps To Take First


If you are planning to make a big move across the country and to start a whole new chapter of your life in the near future, then you likely have many different tasks and issues on your mind. However, one thing that might have slipped your mind is getting your vehicle (or vehicles) ready for the big trip. When you are packing up and moving across the country, you will be putting a lot of miles on your vehicles in a short period of time.

16 August 2018

Maintain Your Stopping Power: How To Care For Your Brakes This Summer


If your summer is going to involve a lot of driving, you'll need to pay attention to your brakes. You might not realize this but the additional wear and tear can really wreak havoc on your brakes. The last thing you want is to experience brake problems while you're on the road somewhere. To make sure you avoid that, here are four steps you'll need to take to give your brakes the stopping power they'll need this summer.

1 June 2018

3 Tips To Improving Performance With Intake And Exhaust Upgrades


If you want to get the most out of improvements to your car, areas like air intake and exhaust are some of the first upgrades that you will want to do. When you do upgrades to the air intake, it will not make much of a difference if you still have a stock exhaust and mufflers. Here are a few tips to help give your car better performance with simple intake and exhaust upgrades:

3 April 2018