3 Common Transmission Problems


If you own a vehicle, you need to be aware of the three most common issues you can run into with your transmission. By being aware of what these issues are, you will be able to react properly if these issues should ever crop up for you. #1 Overheating The biggest issue you can run into with your transmission is overheating. When your transmission becomes overheated, steam will start to come out of every available exit point it can find within your transmission system.

4 October 2016

Answering Three Transmission Care Questions


The transmission in your car is an essential component for allowing the vehicle to travel at high speeds as it will handle the shifting of gears. Unfortunately, it can be a routine issue for individuals to have a fairly limited knowledge when it comes to this part of their cars. When this is the case, they may not be particularly well-equipped to maintain this critical part of their automobile. How Do Service Visits Help To Extend The Life Of Your Car's Transmission?

25 August 2016

4 Supplies To Keep In Your Emergency Big Rig Breakdown Kit During The Summer


You may count on your semi to take you to your destination every time you climb inside, but the fact is, vehicles are never as reliable as people like to think--even commercial ones. Because of this fact, it is always best to be prepared as a driver for emergency situations that leave you broken down. Keep the number to a good heavy duty towing service on hand, but also create an emergency kit to keep in your rig.

7 August 2016

Make Sure Your Teen Is Ready For Winter Driving


As a parent of a new driver, you probably worry every time your teen leaves the house — even if you've done everything that you possibly can to teach your teen about safe driving. Chances are, making it through your teen's first winter behind the wheel won't be easy either. It's up to you to make sure your teen is prepared for driving in inclement weather. Check out these tips to learn what you need to do before your teen hits the road this winter.

26 July 2016

Taking Your RV South Of The Border? Four Things To Know Before You Buy


If you're planning to buy a recreational vehicle (RV) and take it to Mexico, either for a jaunt or to set up your retirement base, there are a few things you should know first. Being armed with information about life south of the border may just influence what kind of RV you purchase and how you outfit it for your journey. Here are four tips to help you when you head to your dealer.

10 May 2016

Refuting Two Myths About Window Tinting


Window tinting can be an excellent way of reducing the amount of light and heat that makes it through your windows. However, there are many people that may not be particularly informed about window tinting, which makes it easy to believe routine myths. As a result, you might benefit from having the following couple of myths refuted if you have limited experience with tinting. Myth: Window Tinting Is Only Applicable For Cars

11 April 2016

Signs Your Spark Plug Is Failing


If you enjoy a leisurely drive, there is nothing more frustrating than a car that is under performing. You start the car, rev the engine, and put the pedal to the metal, but as you begin to drive off, you feel as slow as your grandma on a Sunday afternoon. What gives? There could be many reasons why your vehicle is not living up to its performance standards. However, the one solution that is most overlooked is the lowly spark plug.

3 March 2016

Auto Repair: Four Helpful Tips For Purchasing Used Car Parts


A lot of auto repairs can be done with a DIY approach. All you need is some basic knowledge of mechanics, auto parts, and accessories and you can easily complete the job yourself. While you can certainly purchase auto parts from a dealership, you can save some money by purchasing used parts from an auto part store or junkyard. So what should you be on the lookout for when buying used auto parts?

17 February 2016

Change Your Own Car Battery And Keep Yourself On The Road


Few things are as frustrating as sitting in the parking lot with a car full of groceries and a dead battery. When you see the signs of a car battery nearing the end of its life, change it before it goes out completely. Here is how you can tell you have a battery problem and how to change it yourself. Low Battery Signs The common signs of a dying battery include:

8 February 2016

Cool And Efficient: Fixing Problems With Car Cooling


During the hot summer months, the one thing that you do not look forward to is the heat of the car in the summer. There are numerous warnings reminding people not to leave children and pets in parked cars even for a few minutes, due to the heat. Adults should also not sit inside of hot cars due to the possibility of health issues from being burned by the hot metal seatbelt to heat stroke.

26 January 2016